Wednesday, March 10

Lions and Tigers and SUNBURNS OH MY!

*caution:some of the following pictures may not be for those with weak stomachs

When Lexi asked me to share a memory the very first memory that came to my mind was the most painful, horrible sunburn I have ever had! My roomies and I went to San Juan Puerto Rico in March 08’ for a few days.... We got to visit the 3rd most beautiful beach in the whole world.
This is me at 5:00 am ready to go to a beach.. I was excited! We had to get up at 4:30 am to buy tickets in a city about 1 hour away. We then had to go by boat to the "secluded beach."(it took about 1 hour by speed boat).

Oddly enough while waiting in line we found out that the 2 girls in front of us in line (they are on the bottom left of the picture above) were also Mormon. How on earth did we find the Mormon girls in a group of many on the boat?! Well the picture above is all the LDS girls that had come together to go to Culebra too! We instantly bonded with them!

On the speed boat my roommate Megan Ennis got very ill and this is her leaning over the boat ready to loose it (there were many other people all over the boat doing the same thing!) The driver thought he was in the indy 500 and we were hitting HUGE waves and were all drenched wet and sick when we finally arrived. By the way, do you see the bottle of rubbing alcohol being passed? The natives gave us that. Apparently it is a cure for sea sickness... and it works WONDERS!
When we arrived there, I honestly thought I had arrived in Heaven! GORGEOUS!

Yes, this is all white sand beach... fine sand and see-through waters! To tell you the truth regular oceans scare me to death cause you can't see what is around you... I rarely left these waters the hours we were here!

I'm pretty sure my sunburn began on the boat... and this 25 min of laying on the beach just sealed the deal.. added to my 3 hours playing in the ocean....
I wasn't the only one that got beat up from the sun! We all had our own severities... take a look at the first stages...
We showed up at a rite aid in San Juan searching for some Aloe Vera... you should have seen all of us wobbling in, our bodies in the shakes, with the teeth chattering! We were trying to figure out how to say Aloe Vera in Spanish. We laughed so hard and had to take a picture because when we walked in the door, forget the language barrier, our dear girl friends at rite aid knew what we needed and handed it to us.. we were pathetic looking... as you can see!
This is Stephanie Nelson..aka Ghetto. Her burn was concentrated to her upper thighs and on her face (her lips got all swollen...HUGE!) She ended up in urgent care the 2nd day after we got home!

Jon Portie's was all over his back. Don't ask me how he did it, but his wore off with minimal pain.

Bethany Stewart (or "B") showed this part of her sunburn but by the time we got back to Orem her blisters were the size of silver dollars all over her legs. She went to urgent care straight off the plane!

If she would let me get a hold of the nasty pictures of her burn I would share them! I don't think I will see anything like that in my life!
As smiley as this picture looks.. I was absolutely miserable. But my burn kept progressing... my body had a major sun reaction and I ended up with 3rd degree (blackish burns)across my biceps. My bicepts felt everyday like some one was taking a wrench and turning my skin tighter and tighter. I had so much applying of creams and gels and so much cleaning that needed to be done to the blisters.
By day 3 after being burnt I was in agony. My Mom and my brother were both out of town and my roommates were miserable so I call my BFF Jen to come down from Salt lake and take me to urgent care. My blisters were on my shoulder and they were tiny and all over... they would pop all day. I was a mess! As graphic and ugly as all these pictures are, I want to depict why I am never going to go in the sun without adequate protection again!

Me and all my millions of blisters!
The side view for a 3 demensional look (SICK!)
Trying to take a decent picture of what my face (that looked like I had severe leprosy) really looked like!

But in all reality I had really HAD IT! The pain was aggravating and the discomfort immense. I took this at 3 am after being awake all night... I was really crying and I took this picture so I would never forget the majesty of that sunburn.

The moral of this memory.... The sun is harsher in some places than it is in others.... Never again will I allow such stupidity!
Good Riddance Sunburns,

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